Board Games and Bundles


Showing 13-24 of 50 products.

Patchwork by Wyrmwood


Original price was: $35.00.Current price is: $28.00.

Patchwork is a head-to-head quilting game intended for 2 players looking for new entry level titles. Players each work to fill up a 7x7 quilting square, using buttons to purchase different shaped pieces of fabric. While you're quilting, you're moving along a board that can award small 1x1 patches of leather to fill in small gaps or more buttons to buy more fabric. Once both players reach the end of the board, the game is over. The player with the most points(Total amount of buttons you have left, minus 2 points for each square on the 7x7 you didn't fill), is the winner and is officially "the Quiltiest". Now the title isn't officially an award, but it sure should be!

Game Organization Tiles by Wyrmwood

Game Organization Tiles


Sagrada by Wyrmwood


Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Sagrada is dice drafting game intended for 1-4 players looking with minimal board gaming experience.

Calico by Wyrmwood


Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $32.00.

Calico is a light-hearted, tile-laying puzzle game, intended for 1-4 players with minimal board gaming experience. Capricious Kitties will cozy up on the most comfy quilt... will it be yours? Lay tiles to complete patterns, score buttons, and attract cats in this adorable puzzler featuring art by Beth Sobel (Wingspan).

Isle of Skye by Wyrmwood

Isle of Skye

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Isle of Skye is a highly variable tile-placement game, intended for 2-5 players who already have some experience with board games. Bid on tiles and arrange them in particular ways to maximize your point gains. That's what the rolling fields of Scotland are all about! In Isle of Skye you play a chieftain of a famous clan who's trying to build up their respective kingdoms. Obviously, the better kingdom is denoted by rating their kingdoms at the end of the game. Each game will play out differently, the scoring on tiles playing out in unique ways as each player develops different tactics and strategies in each game. Bear in mind, while you do need money throughout the game to purchase your ideal tiles and build your kingdom, in the end the leader of the island will be the one who's built the best kingdom. All of that gold doesn't mean much if your kingdom gets overrun by the neighboring one!

Barenpark by Wyrmwood


Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Barenpark is a card drafting/tile placement game intended for 2-4 players with light experience. Barenpark has you complete (probably) the most challenging task in the world: build your own bear park to entertain the masses. Forget any other animal out there, these parks are for bears and bears alone. Make your park as gorgeous as possible, attracting visitors and ensuring they're entertained and well fed. The visitors, not the bears. But also, feed the bears. Draft cards and place tiles on a grid, earning points for animal houses, outdoor areas, and completed construction. Make sure you build quickly as well, as soon as a player finishes expanding their park, the game ends and points are tallied. You're probably bear-ly able to contain your excitement at the prospect of this game, and rightfully so!

Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport Expansion by Wyrmwood

Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport Expansion

Original price was: $40.00.Current price is: $35.00.

Lords of Waterdeep: Scoundrels of Skullport is an in-depth expansion for the well-renowned worker placement game.

Tile Rack End Caps by Wyrmwood

Tile Rack End Caps


The finishing touch for your Modular Tile Rack, the End Caps close off your Modular Tile Rack and give it a nice, tailored look. Sold as a set of two, so even if you’re attaching multiple Tile Rack units to make a longer rack, you only need a single set of End Caps.

Pandemic by Wyrmwood


Original price was: $45.00.Current price is: $36.00.

Pandemic is a classic cooperative game intended for 1-4 players looking for new entry level titles. It's hard to imagine living through a disease ravaging the globe and the issues surrounding dealing with that. Thankfully, the classic game Pandemic helps your  imagination. Work together with the other players, take on specific roles like the Operations Expert and Scientist to combat the viruses strewn about. You'll have to work quickly - if even one disease gets out of control and isn't able to be cured, the game ends and everyone loses. BUT, if you work together well and manage to cure all four diseases that are rearing their ugly heads, you win!  

Splendor by Wyrmwood


Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $36.00.

Splendor is competitive card drafting game intended for 2-4 players looking for new entry level titles. Play as a gem merchant in the times of the Renaissance against 1-3 other people, working hard to collect gem chips, improve your business, and attract the attention of the nobles. Each card gives you various bonuses, including giving discounts on purchasing other cards, or awarding prestige points. You can also reserve cards, preventing the enemy gem merchants from purchasing those cards. When a player reaches 15 prestige points, the rest of that plays out then the game ends. If that player is the only one who's reached. Being a gem merchant back in the Renaissance certainly isn't the most sparkling of professions. But, when it's done well, it's just like the gems they sell. Truly outrageous.

Terraforming Mars by Wyrmwood

Terraforming Mars

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $38.00.

Terraforming Mars is a renowned resource management and card drafting game intended for 1-5 more experienced players.  

Lords of Waterdeep by Wyrmwood

Lords of Waterdeep

Original price was: $50.00.Current price is: $40.00.

Lords of Waterdeep is a well-renowned worker placement game perfect for 2-5 players with light board gaming experience. Play as a powerful lord vying for control of the City of Splendors - expand the city, recruit adventurers, and play intrigue cards to expand your power and control!